Friday, November 9, 2007

Here we go.....Again!

Obviously it's been a while since this site has been updated. Due to several circumstances we had to put our adoption process on hold. We have just picked up the process again and are very excited! We met our social worker yesterday and she is an awesome person. We have re-submitted our application w/updated info as well. We met w/Cassie (our sw) because she wanted to go over the new guidelines that China has now which went into effect in May and thankfully we met all of them. Now we will begin about a three month process of paperwork and will hopefully begin the homestudy in February. If all goes smoothly hopefully we will have our dossier ready to send to China in March. Right now the wait time from LID (log-in date) to referral of a child is two years. There is a possibility of that time frame getting shorter due to the new guidelines knocking so many families out of being eligible to adopt from China. Please join us in prayer that the wait times will decrease. We are totally stepping out on faith with this adoption. God told us to do it so we are being obedient to His calling. We have total faith that He will provide!

Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, and gather you from the west. (Isaiah 43:5)